Weltweit feiern pagane Gruppen am 24. Februar einen Gedenktag.
Wir gedenken des Ediktes des römischen Kaisers Theodosius im Jahre 391, das alle pagane Religionspraxis verbot und die Feuer des Tempels der Vesta, die dort seit undenklichen Zeiten brannten, erlöschen liess.
Unsere vielfältigen Kulte und Ehrungen der Göttinnen und Götter wachsen seit Jahrzehnten wieder und erinnern sich in vielen Ländern daran.
Unten zwei Beispiele aus Italien und aus Frankreich.

The idea of a celebration for a European Pagan Memory Day was born in 2006, to fix an official moment in which we could remember both that roots of the pagan past all modern pagans recall in their practice, and the causes and events of the gap between that roots and us. This gap is the reason why modern pagans define themselves with this word, a word that was originally used as an insult.
A survey among pagans with different beliefs made us choose for the celebration the 24th February: on this day, in 391 c.e., Theodosius issued an edict which condemned all pagan practices and made Vesta’s fire (the one who had to burn forever in Rome) to be set off. Since the fire is sacred for all the so-called pagan religions, this event has been chosen as a symbol of the beginning of the many tries to delete pagan religions across Europe.»