Der ECER lädt zu einem großen europäischen Treffen vom 10. bis zum 12. Mai ein. Wir geben hier die Einladung gern weiter. Im Video könnt ihr die Präsentation des ECER auf dem letzten Weltparlament der Religionen anschauen (in Englisch).
“Please, accept our invitation to the RODOKRUG – a meeting of people, Earth and traditions of all nations.
The planet Earth calls us and wants us to think about what we are going to give to our children. If your ancestors spoke to you and you feel their voice in your hearts, then come. We will connect our forces in a united circle with our songs, prayers, dances and acts of wisdom.
The key is a connection between man and the planet. Our native traditions and their people. They teach us about values like Man, Nature, Family, LOVE, connection with sacred powers and mutual friendship. Our gods and ancestors protect us on our journey.
Please, accept this invitation to the new festival Rodokrug – a space, created for sharing our native traditions, which were passed to us by our dear ancestors. “
We are inviting you, because:
– We need to discuss and find a way TOGETHER. Hand in hand, with open hearts.
– We wish to share the wisdom of our ancestors, our wonderful native TRADITIONS.
– We are creating a space, where you can meet representatives of other tribes fromEurope and other continents, who have kept their traditions until today.
– It is time to share our deep values and restore the sacred power, connecting our nations.It is the power of our Earth, and we can pass this sacred connection to our future generations, too.
Come, and if you can, bring your TRADITIONS, CEREMONIES and RITUALS, SONGS and DANCES – which you carry inside yourselves. Let’s share them with each other. Come and talk to people at a lecture. Or come to support this meeting just with your very presence. Everyone is welcome.
Together we will find the key to a happy life in a family, community and connection of the spirit and universe.
We are looking forward to meeting you.
The RODOKRUG festival will be held from 10th to 12th of May 2019. The place of meeting is Camp Pol’ana Vrbovce near the Czech and Slovak border.
We are all one circle, one family, and our roots touch each other.
SLAVA and thanks to our native gods, Mother Earth, ancestors and powers of Nature.
On behalf of the whole team of RODOKRUG festival Zdenek Ordelt, leader of the festival organization.
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