Defod Alban Hefin Ritual (online)

21. Juni 2022

Veranstaltung von Anglesey Druid Order – Urdd Derwyddon Môn

Ymunwch a Derwyddon Môn i ddathlu Heuldro’r haf ar y wawr, bore mawrth y 21ain. Fyddwn yn cyfarfod yn y maes parcio am 4.15 yb cyn cerdded it safle gan ddechre y ddefod am 4.30yb. Croeso i bawb.
Join the Anglesey Druids to celebrate the Summer Solstice at dawn on Tuesday the 21st. Meet at the Bryn Celli Ddu car park for 4.15am for a 4.30am start.
Will we see the sun rise this year? Our first year back since the pandemic. Wrap up warm it is promising to be a cold morning.
This ritual will be simultaneously broadcast live on our Facebook page.


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